Easy personal
loans up to $50,000

Personal Loans

Low rates starting at 7.95% p.a.
(9.33% p.a. comparison rate*).
Money in your account same-day.

*This comparison rate is based on our personal loan for an amount of $30,000 over 5 years, a $495 establishment fee and a $10 monthly fee. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.

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Borrow Money

Ever walked into a store and found out that they are holding a flash sale and everything is available on discount, but you just don’t have the money to take advantage of the sale? Perhaps you have a wedding anniversary coming up in three days, yet your salary is three weeks away. What do you do in such a situation?

The simple answer is for you to borrow money. Financial institutions such as Ozzie Loans make it possible for you to get cash loans online so that you can achieve the desires of your heart. The best part about this easy finance option is that it does not take too long, nor is it too demanding when it comes to minimum requirements.

What are all the different ways to borrow money?

Here are just a few of the most common options available for you to borrow money.

Friends and family 

For most people, one of the easiest ways to borrow money is to simply approach a friend or relative and ask them for some financial assistance. This can be an excellent option, especially if you have kindhearted relatives. The downside is that sometimes your friends or relatives just don’t have the kind of money you need. There are also relatives that are not too keen on giving out cash loans. This can therefore be a double-edged option for you.

Private money lenders 

There are certain money lenders who are willing to give out loans but only if you are willing to pay back the amount at an extremely high interest rate. These individuals are sometimes referred to as shylocks. The problem with such individuals is that they are out to make abnormally huge profits at the expense of their clients. 

Such individuals may sometimes demand that you give out something valuable to act as collateral for the money you receive. They often demand that you pay back the cash as quickly as possible, or else your interest rates will start doubling up as time goes by. It is no wonder that a lot of people end up losing their valuables to such unscrupulous business people.

Mainstream banks 

Mainstream banks are an excellent place for you to go and borrow money. They are governed by the laws of the land and will therefore operate according to the rules and regulations set down by the government. The downside to taking out loans from these institutions is that they often require that you hold an account with them. 

Your bank account should have been in operation for almost six months. They also require you to submit various documents and fill out different paperwork before you are considered for a loan facility. What’s more, the approval process may take quite a long time, meaning the loans you receive may not be ideal for immediate financial issues.

How can you borrow money fast?

If you are thinking of getting cash loans Australia without going through the above-mentioned pitfall, it may be prudent to consider working with virtual loan providers such as Ozzie loans.

Such an institution operates under the laws of the land and will therefore be transparent in all its dealings. The best [part is that you do not have to worry about holding an account with the institution. All you have to do is understand the eligibility criteria and then submit a loan application.

Ozzie Loans requires that you must be at least 18 years of age and prove that you are a permanent resident of Australia. The institution will be more than happy to give you loan offers if you can also show that you are earning an incoming from business or employment.

If you meet the above-mentioned requirements, you can go ahead and download the Ozzie Loans app to your android, iOS or computer device and then register right at the comfort of your own home or office. You will then be required to share some information regarding any outstanding debts, your legal names, your income and your physical address. 

Once you submit your application, the institution will carry out a quick review of your application and let you know the amount you qualify to get in terms of personal loans. You can then accept the terms and have the money sent to your account as soon as that same day.

Where can you borrow money with bad credit?

One of the most important considerations that financial institutions make before granting loans is your credit score. Your credit score and history can be a good way for such institutions to assess your financial behaviour and creditworthiness. The only problem with this particular issue is that it does not always give the full picture of what is really going on.

You may have a bad credit score because of various issues, including late debt payments and small errors in your report. This may not be a true reflection of your mental status with regard to finances.

While Ozzie Loans takes a careful look at your crest score and financial history, it does not base all its decision on how good or bad your standing may be. Instead, several other factors are taken into consideration to get the bigger picture. 

Your accuracy and honesty in answering questions, plus a genuine commitment to making things right, can work in your favour. That is why you are encouraged to submit an application for a personal loan with Ozzie Loans. Indeed even with a bad credit score, you can still be able to get a loan approval as long as the institution determines you will be working according to the terms stipulated.

How to get your loan approved?

To ensure that you get your loan approved, make sure that you meet the minimum requirements that are laid out by the particular financial institution you are interested in working with. It is also important for you to fill in every section of the application form that requires an answer. Make sure all the information you provide is factual or accurate.

In case you have any outstanding loans with Ozzie Loans or any other institution, make a point of paying them back according to the terms stipulated. This will help improve your credit score and financial history. Remember, with a good score, you not only get a chance to negotiate better interest rate options but can also be approved for much higher loan limits.

In case your request to borrow money is declined, carry out a review of your application to understand what may be the cause of the decline. If it is something you can fix, do so as soon as you can and then submit a new application. If it is something beyond your control, get in touch with the particular financial institution for further assistance.

Check our rates

We’re all about providing
low rate loans with simple, fair and transparent fees.

Loan amount

$5,000 to $15,000

$15,001 to $50,000

Establishment fee



Interest rate

Comparison rate

Monthly fee

Exit fee

From 7.95% p.a. to 23.95% p.a.

From 9.33% p.a. to 25.33% p.a.*


No early repayment or exit fees

*This comparison rate is based on $30,000 over 5 years with $495 establishment fee and a $10 monthly fee.

WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.

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